Making & Responding Suggestions

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Pada post kali ini kita akan membahas tentang bagaimana cara memberikan saran atau nasihat kepada seseorang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu kita juga akan membahas tentang bagaimana cara merespon sebuah saran atau nasihat dari orang lain, baik itu positif (menerima) atau negatif (menolak). Hal ini tentu sangat penting untuk kita pelajari mengingat penggunaannya yang sangat terjadi terjadi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. So, ayo kita mulai.

A. Memberikan saran atau nasihat
Making suggestions biasanya diungkapkan dalam sebuah pertanyaan yang menggunakan kata kerja tertentu seperti should, think, had better, ought to, let, recommend, suggest, advise, dll. Berikut contohnya:
  • You should try to learn English regularly.
  • I think we should not go there.
  • You had better go home now.
  • She had better leave the house as soon as possible.
  • We should call her mother now.
  • I think it is better for you to quit from the job.
  • Let's come to my house.
  • How about going to the mall after the class?
  • What about having lunch together?
  • Don't you think it is a good idea to spend the upcoming holiday on the beach?
  • I suggest that you meet and apologize to her.
  • Should we plan the trip now?
  • I recommend that you have a good rest.
  • It is better for you to sleep earlier, so you can wake up earlier tomorrow morning.
  • If I were you, I would call her and tell what I feel.

B. Respon
  • Positif
    - Thanks. I'll do it.
    - It sounds good.
    - That sounds like a good idea.
    - Thanks. It's a good suggestion.
    - Thanks. It's a good advice.
    - I think you're right.
    - Why didn't I think of that?
    - Why not?
    - Let's go/ Let's do it.
  • Negatif
    - No. I'd rather not.
    - I don't think so.
    - I don't feel I like it.
    - No, I don't think it is a good idea.
    - Sorry, but I don't think it is a good idea.
    - What a bad idea.
    - Thank you but I don't think It is a good idea.
    - No. Sorry.
Selamat mencoba ya!


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